We had two Tom Turkeys and a hen, we slaughtered one of the turkeys and it dressed out at 17 pounds, delicious!
Our hen Bonnie is setting on about 12 eggs at the moment, today is day five and they are supposed to hatch on day 28. I sure hope that Noel did his job and fertilized those eggs! We will wait and see. I am not sure when Bonnie goes out to eat and drink because I have not seen her off the nest yet.
The hill is white with trilliums and last night we had our first batch of fiddleheads for supper. I have all kinds of seeds planted and also in my small cold frame. Been busy making little patches of gardens here and there around the house. Dwight has bought a small back hoe attachment for his tractor so will be doing a lot of work around the house so I have to be careful where I put things in anticipation of what he will be doing.
Getting all the rentals ready for the summer season and Dwight finishing up the fire wood.