I will do the before and after pictures in a month or two.
The weather is incredible....like the middle of summer. It kind of makes me wonder what the middle of summer will be like.
I have all of my garden planted, flowers as well. The lilacs are at their peak, lots of rhubarb, asparagus producing but would love to get more rain for them. Dwight busy cutting lumber for various projects....one of which is a garden shed. Not sure if I mentioned it yet but our timber frame course for June for cancelled due to lack of participants so we have lots of wood to cut up. Dwight is chipping all the scrap which goes nicely in my flower gardens, around all my hostas and berry bushes.
Arthur is really growing, what a cutie.
Dwight and I went to put the floating island in the lake at the house and I ended up putting my back out again, dang! That slows me up soooo much!
The bugs have really not been bad so far. Ohhh guess what, I was at the trail head and there in the fresh sand was a moose track as big as my hand.