Today is hot and humid 26 Celsius and the blackflies are out and biting.
Fiddleheads are almost finished and I have 8 bags in the freezer and a big pot of fiddlehead
portabella mushroom soup as well as having had numerous meals of them...yum
Today I was out early dividing hostas...25 so far and a few more to go. I picked up a pile of plants yesterday and busy planting those as well. A couple of rose bushes, 2 clematis, some vegetables. Dwight will be pleased to hear that I planted all his gladiolus bulbs that we dug up last year.
I started my seeds April 27 and they are all outside now in the 3 elevated canoes and rowboat.
Oh Dwight and I moved our 8 blueberry bushes from our old sandy garden back in the bush...they were not too happy there.
Sold all the turkeys, have one left to go, he's very friendly and we let him out sometimes, he just follows us around strutting his stuff. We still have the 6 chickens and getting 6 eggs a days but not a problem selling them.
A couple of weeks ago I picked up some red wrigglers (composting worms) to help with my indoor composting. I find that in the winter the compost piles up because its frozen so I thought I would set up a bin inside and have the worms do their work....see trading turkeys for worms lol!
The rental business is doing great and busy with the summer setup and maintenance there too.
Dwight has just finished all the wood, cut, split and stacked, he has about 18-20 face cords, he was in a big rush to get that done before the blackflies came out and he did it!
We had 10 yards of garden soil dumped nice stuff...looks like black earth but with compost in weed seeds! If we need more compost I have 4 bins going. I am top dressing everything and Dwight is going to build some more raised gardens for me but first he needs to get the saw going and cut up some more boards. I need more space for the beans, potatoes, more kale and chard, etc...Dwight hates grass anyway. He will be busy at his lumber yard as he also needs to chip me a pile of wood chips with his big chipper behind the tractor.
I just remembered..I have a container of chocolate mint I got from the cabin...I off to plant that on the side of the hill away from everything else (its invasive) but we love the tea it makes and need a whole pile of it for this winter.