Had my son Josh for dinner last night, always some great stories to hear. We enjoy him thoroughly.
The days are very short now and Dwight and I have started our winter games. At the moment we play back gammon.
I am still working on winterizing the garage so we, but mostly Dwight has a work shop he can muck around in comfortably. Yesterday I almost got the lean to for the firewood at the yurt almost done. I need to cut a piece of plywood for the roof and found leftover pieces of wood to cover the sides, I recycle everything I can. I am now in the process of doing another lean to against the shed for our ATV's so my order of lumber has been placed with Dwight, he still has some logs to saw up. This winter we will need to get a pile more.....thats where the skidder comes in! Good ole Sid is what Dwight calls him, only at the moment he is not running and Dwight and his friend just cant seem to figure it out so the carb is out and getting cleaned up....cross your fingers.
Dwight got his big 30 by 40 shelter up and I think all our miscellaneous things are going to fit in there. It will great to have everything in one spot central on the property.