The next thing to do was to add a 5th log across the stream. Well it turns out that we added a half log so instead of 4 or 5 logs we have 4 ½. One outside log was quite crooked so a single log to the middle span was all that was needed. I got this in place, leveled the logs as best I could, trimmed off all the branch ends and high points with the chainsaw and started laying down old oak boards that had been milled years ago and were buried in the bush rotting away. These were from the same era as the popular boards I used last year for a shed.
I laid the oak boards out to dry, jumped on them to see how many I could break (about 8) and the rest got laid down for the deck. I got about ½ way across, time to go back for more boards. The deck span will be 7 feet with about feet supported underneath. I’m laying one side straight and I’ll cut off the other side with the chainsaw when done. So far so good.
Norwood Sawmill
I went to see my neighbour with the sawmill and it turns out his son in law brought a huge trailer full of logs to be cut and has 2 more loads to be done. No time for my logs this year. I flipped open kijiji and there was a Norwood 2000 sawmill for sale, I bought it!!!
Mark Shea and his dad delivered it on Friday and spent 4 hours with me setting it up and cutting a log to show that it worked. Word had gotten out and there was quite a crowd of spectators watching with interest. I’ve got three friends who want to borrow it already.
Saturday I tried it all on my own. I used the tractor forks to load a log, scary, I thought I was going hit the motor or bust the tracks. The next log I used a chain with much less scary results. I was so concerned about hitting the motor that I positioned the log well back. I got it leveled and was cutting only to be startled when I got to the end of the travel to discover that I still had 4 inches of log to cut. I was able to break the slab off and pull the log back for a full cut the next time. A few cuts later I forgot to lower the dog (stabilizer on the side of the log) and heard the blade hit metal. OH well, time to put a new blade on.
On Sunday my Dad, Sam, came over and had a try at it. That’s him in the pic below. He wants to come back and help me whenever he can now. Boys and their toys J