Let's see. Oh yes, we got the backhoe mounted on the tractor and I had lots of fun enlarging the parking area. The backhoe is really handy. I can reach a 20 foot swath (ten feet to each side) and about 12 feet back. I spend about an hour digging down the banks and then I turn the tractor around and take the fill back behind the house and dump it on the brush I cut from the back hill. One session with the backhoe can yeild about 20 scoops for the loader. I did about 5 rounds with the back hoe and now the parking area is about 50% larger. I even scraped off the gravel, graded the lot so it slopes away from the house and put the gravel back down. The banks are still raw earth but they will grow over. I also managed to get a few rocks out including this huge one.
What else? Well lots of little things, work at the cabin and yurt. Splitting firewood. I have at least 2 cords at the cabin. Brushing trails, they really grew up over the spring. Fixing leaky floats for the lakes. Do you think I can find the electric airpump???
I'm still quite annoyed at my big tent crashing down. It's not salvagable. I have a number of car shelter covers saved from when the metal framing collapsed so I dug out all my 2x4's and I have built five bends that I will erect to cover with the 16x25 foot cover I have. More on that later.