However we had been using a foot splitter at the cabin with good results. I had just cut a bunch of trees at the house and had a pile of blocked wood, we have electricity there and that's where we need a lot of our firewood ....
So what the heck, the splitter is on sale at Cdn Tire, on sale at $299 down from $399 so let's try one. Now the Cdn Tire store in Gatineau is the worst I've ever been in but there is no use losing your patience so after wandering around for a while, checking at the front desk to learn that there were none on the floor and someone would get me one from the back, waiting, ringing, waiting more, getting a clerk who went to get one but seemed to stop every couple of feet to chat with some other employee, .... . So while waiting through all that I noticed a guy with a 4 way splitter in his cart and asked him about it. He wanted to know if I had the 4 or 6 ton splitter and when I said I was waiting for a 4 ton from the back he lead me to the center aisle where there were 3 reconditioned splitters (new, just returns) for $180. Less than 1/2 price, I'll take one!!! By the time I loaded one into a cart the clerk showed up from the back with a new splitter, No thanks, I said, I'm taking one of these.
Well I got it home, assembled it onto the stand I also bought and tried it out connected directly to an outlet and then with a 100 foot extension cord. It worked perfectly!
Just one problem, I haven't been able to use it. First Lucy split the cord of wood I had blocked and left in the back. It's so quiet she said, and the wood all fit nicely into the new shed extension she had built. Lucy declared that she could put 10 cords there for next winter at Owls Nest. Next Mic came up for a work day and we brought back 1/2 cord of wood which he promptly proceeded to split and stack.
Oh well, I'm not complaining. I'm going to keep dropping off wood and wait for the wood splitting fairies to take care of it. What a wonderful machine!!!