With the main arch up Lucy turned her attention back to the garden. I could hear her shooing the dogs out occasionally so, once when she was off to the yurt, I scavenged some metal rods, found a role of chicken wire and got a temporary fence up. Sweetie loved it! She immediately built a small enclosure and the chickens were out scratching and digging until all their new found grass was gone and they looked longingly to the garden proper.
However the old gate had to go so I enlisted my friends Charles and Mic to build a new arch. Mic and I cut some cedar logs off the back property and brought them in. Charles laid out the groundwork and together we dug the four holes, planted and cemented the four posts and made them straight. These poles are 10 feet by 8 inches at the base. The next day Mic and I got the two beams cut and in place. The beams are also 10 feet but smaller at 6 inches. Next were the joists, about 8 of them on top, 6 feet long and about 3 inches at the butt end.
Lucy got busy with all the cross supports and decorative work. The opening is 6 feet wide (8 for the wisteria arch) and we plan to put a gate up. I got holes dug on either side and Lucy planted grape vines that were bursting out of their pots. Maybe some good eating grapes in a few years? Now to get about 8 cedar poles about 8 feet apart to replace the fence from the gate to the chicken coop. My jobs are never done!