Well since Dave the pig roaster was also Dave the mechanic, Dave and I headed out there that night to have a look. Sid has a gas engine so it was fairly easy to work on him. After about an hour of messing around and rewiring the ignition we got him running. Next check the brakes, no brake fluid so top the cylinder up. Lets try the gears next. No go. The clutch pedal wouldn't depress. It seems the master clutch cylinder was seized. Well enough for a night's work, we'll be back tomorrow.
The next evening we took off the clutch cylinder and managed to take it apart. The bore was scored but some fine sandpaper seemed to do the trick and the cylinder moved just fine. Reinstall, fil with hydraulic fluid and push in the clutch. No go. There is a slave cylinder and this was seized as well. That's it for day 2.
I went into Jack Lacroix's shop in Gatineau the next day. Normally he can get anything but in this case he could only get me a couple of phone numbers to call. Numbers led to numbers until I finally got to Arbrobec in Mirabel where they had a master cylinder rebuild kit for $50 and a new slave cylinder for $200. I took them and a few days later they arrived.
Back Dave and I went for the third time - the reception and pig roast was long over - and installed the new parts. Dick jumped in, started the engine and engaged the clutch. Out Sid backed. Back in Sid went. That was enough. The next morning Dick drove Sid over to our place where I have been practicing doing donuts in the field. Soon I'll take him for a drive down a road and then later maybe on a trail. Looks like fun!