What's more garden without more chips? So now it back to the sawmill. A couple of weeks ago I had pulled a bunch of slab out of the sawdust pile and they had a chance to dry. somewhat so I spent a couple of hours loading the mill with slab, sawing them up into 5 inch widths and stacking. Ran out of gas on the sawmill so I chipped up a 1/2 trailer load and back to Owls Nest where they quickly disappeared! Back again with more gas. I forgot water which acts as a coolant for the blade but I got some at the old garden. and another batch of slab sawn until I was just too hot so another 1/3 of a trailer back to the gardens. I left the trailer for Lucy to empty and I am sure it will need refilling when I get home from work.
I found more coolant leaks on the tractor so it will be back with my tool kits once again. It's too hot already. Sunday afternoon is spent on the first swim of the season.