We had a successful growing year. We had landscaping around the house to do so I was not able to put in all the gardens I wanted so I used little pockets on the side of the hill and filled them with good earth, filled two canoes as raised gardens as well as a small fenced in garden.
The small fenced in garden, about 11 by 5 housed my lovage, 4 prolific rhubarb plants, 24 garlic I planted the fall before, some kale and swiss chard.....all did very well. This fall I planted four different kinds of garlic in it (90 cloves in all) and am moving the lovage and rhubarb.
In the various pockets of soil on the side of the hill I planted english cucumber, yellow beans, more chard and kale, 3 different kinds of potatoes (which were from a bag from the grocers, pickling cucumber and green and yellow zucchini.
In a 5 by 5' box I grew 9 beefsteak tomatoes.
In one of the canoes I grew my romaine letter, another lettuce, dill, basil, stevia and thyme.
The other canoe was just swiss chard, I like the rainbow coloured one.
In my garden in the back forty in an old manure pill I grew a giant pumpkin to 90lbs
I planted 2 orange cauliflower in a pocket on the side of the hill. It was a success. Will grow again next year. We hand pick the green worms off of it, you have to check on it.
I canned, mustard pickles, pickles, Artic char, lots of different jellies
The small fenced in garden, about 11 by 5 housed my lovage, 4 prolific rhubarb plants, 24 garlic I planted the fall before, some kale and swiss chard.....all did very well. This fall I planted four different kinds of garlic in it (90 cloves in all) and am moving the lovage and rhubarb.
In the various pockets of soil on the side of the hill I planted english cucumber, yellow beans, more chard and kale, 3 different kinds of potatoes (which were from a bag from the grocers, pickling cucumber and green and yellow zucchini.
In a 5 by 5' box I grew 9 beefsteak tomatoes.
In one of the canoes I grew my romaine letter, another lettuce, dill, basil, stevia and thyme.
The other canoe was just swiss chard, I like the rainbow coloured one.
In my garden in the back forty in an old manure pill I grew a giant pumpkin to 90lbs
I planted 2 orange cauliflower in a pocket on the side of the hill. It was a success. Will grow again next year. We hand pick the green worms off of it, you have to check on it.
I canned, mustard pickles, pickles, Artic char, lots of different jellies
Another thing I foraged off the property was sumac, I use it as a spice. I have it spread out and when it is dry I will sift it and put it in the food processor and sift again. Will show the finished product when it is done. It is very tart. When I finished taking it off the stalks, my hands were sticky and tasted sour like lemons.
Here we are in October working on the new area for our raised gardens. Dwight is taking down the hill till he hits bedrock and the dirt goes over the bank to create more flat land. We are all forest and hills around here. Im sifting all the soil for the raised gardens.